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Write For Us

Our Audience

It’s simple... our audience is WIC clients. At wichealth, we provide nutrition education and support to families benefiting from WIC. Our blog is a continuation of wichealth with a focus on personal stories.

Our blog is a place for community. A place where people come together to share their experiences and what they’ve learned. This is a space for real people who are willing to share real stories with hopes of making a real difference in the lives of others.

What Makes a Strong Blog Post
  • Your unique and personal story. Share the details! What happened? What do you think caused it? How did you feel? What challenges did you experience? Paint the whole picture for the audience. Allow them to experience the story through your words.


  • Offer insights and practical tips to help readers overcome similar challenges. What worked for you? What didn’t? Include a list or bullets if applicable but more importantly, your story should have a clear message for readers. Your story should allow readers to connect to you and walk away with an “A ha” moment.


Preferred Topics
Publishing Policies

Your story and images are original and your blog post should be too! In addition, by submitting the post to wichealth, you give us copyright ownership of the post (and any images) and it cannot be republished anywhere else. Once we receive your post, we will correct grammatical errors before making the decision to publish or not. For publishing consideration, the writing and images must align with the purpose of our blog. 


Your writing could be displayed in a blog post, shared on Pinterest, or featured in a lesson! Or all of the above! We reserve the right to alter, rearrange, or add to the post.


Please Note: This opportunity is volunteer-based. We are unable to compensate our writers at this time.

Anything wichealth! wichealth has more than 50 lessons. We encourage you to go to the to browse the topics! The lessons will give you some ideas to get started. Choose one or more than one! You can also choose one of our 1200 resources or write about a Health eKitchen recipe.


Ready to Share?  

We can't wait to hear from you!

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