by Yazmin from California

The advice I would give my younger self about parenthood is that no money, no time, no books, no videos, will prepare you for parenthood.
I have a soon to be 16-month-old. I am learning to love myself again through the lens of motherhood while unconditionally loving my baby boy, because although he is a toddler, he will forever be my baby boy.
The resources and tools of parenthood are there, but I have learned that no children are the same, no children have the same needs. Therefore, your naturally given instincts of parenthood will be the greatest tool you will need for your child and his needs.
So, I would tell my younger self this:
You will be the perfect mother to your child, do not be afraid, because God is giving you the greatest gift for a reason, and you will thrive and love this child unconditionally no matter the fear, anxiety, postpartum, and regardless of anything, your child will love you. Trust your heart, have fun, love, and play with your baby, because in a blink of an eye, they are no longer newborn. They transition to toddlerhood so fast, so enjoy the ride, because parenthood is the most challenging yet the most rewarding stage of this so-called life.
This blog was written by one of our guest bloggers, Yazmin.
About Yazmin. . .
I am 29 years old, a first time mom, and hold a masters in Public Health, aiming to incorporate and execute my public health knowledge through my motherhood journey.
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