by Raelene from California

I would tell my younger self to be patient. Allow myself the room to grow and realize that this is completely NEW. Being a mother changes you completely inside and out! Physically and mentally!
I would tell my younger self that it is OK to ask for HELP. It is perfectly normal to feel overwhelmed. Remember you are getting know your new baby and your new SELF. Everything takes time and this journey in motherhood will get easier with time. While you are on this journey try and remember that there are people that are willing to help. Allowing people to help will not only help us physically but mentally.
Remember that our children feel our energy, they know what our hearts sound like from the inside of us. It is important to make ourselves a priority in order to do what we must do for our children. If we aren’t happy, our children can feel it. ME not asking for help was one of my biggest mistakes. It took a toll on my mental health. Once I allowed myself to be vulnerable and ask for help, it made things much easier on me.
Be patient with your child and know that as the days and months go on the bond between you two will grow.
Some days will be harder than others and that’s OK. Our kids have their own personalities. Motherhood is the hardest job that you will ever have, but it is the most rewarding. What I realized as a parent is that our children learn from our actions more than anything else. The more we speak life into ourselves we can speak more life into our children. It is easy to forget about ourselves, but when we do that, we suffer and then our children can feel it. It is going to be hard to make yourself a priority but try. Make the effort and try to have some alone time. Just so you can gather your thoughts and do whatever you need to do for yourself. This will help you so much along the way. Motherhood is going to be a learning journey. We learn about our children and ourselves every single day. WE are here to help our children grow and remember that we are growing with them. KEEP IT FUN! Remember that parenting is always going to be a learning experience but try and have fun along the way.
During my parenting journey I have learned that I must take time for myself. I must remember that I am just as important. I must take care of myself for me to take care of children. The most beautiful thing about parenting is seeing your child grow up while you are growing into a new woman. WE are a garden of blooming flowers, and we all have to get watered. REMEMBER to water yourself so you can pour water into your beautiful Garden.
This blog was written by one of our guest bloggers, Raelene.
About Raelene. . . I am a working mother of 3, I have a 6 year old, 1 year old, and a 2 month old. I love to binge watch shows and am currently obsessed with my kindle and reading. I love the beach and people watching!! I also love the ocean, it's scary and beautiful at the same time. I have always wanted to write a blog but never had the guts to. This year I decided to just take some chances, and this is the first one.
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