Consider becoming a guest blogger for or submit a video short! Your words of wisdom or video may be shared with our subscribers. Unfortunately, we are not able to pay for posts or videos at this time. But, this is a great chance to share your knowledge about nutrition, parenting, and healthy living with our supportive and friendly community of viewers. Please note that all submissions may be edited for clarity, grammar, and language.
NEW! We are looking for very short (100 words or less) guest snippets from WIC participants on the following topic:
1. How has wichealth (our online nutrition education platform) helped you in your parenting journey?
(Submit by October 10th).
Ideas might include:
A lesson that influenced you in some way
A certain resource that taught you something new
An action plan that made a noticeable difference in your life
A connection to another person's story or experience
A notable idea you realized from the lesson
The recipes in our Health eKitchen
Tell us about what you made and how it was a success
In a short paragraph (100 words or less), tell us about how wichealth has supported you in your parenting journey. We hope we are helping to make a positive difference in your life! Your short snippet and photo could be featured on our website's homepage!!
Blog Posts
We are also looking for short (500 words or less) guest posts from WIC participants on the following topics:
1. What have you learned from
(Submit by October 30th or before).
Did you find one of your favorite new recipes now in your weekly rotation? Maybe you read some inspirational comments from other parents on a topic dear to your heart? Or maybe, you learned a little fact you didn't know before -- and you can't wait to share it with your best friend the next time you talk. Whatever you have learned, we would love to hear about it!
If it's been a while since you visited wichealth, please pop over to soon! We have over 50 lessons all aimed at helping you and your family live healthy and happy lives! Our Health eKitchen also has some delicious recipes you should check out!
2. What are some of your favorite family fall traditions?
(Submit by October 30th or before).
The kids are back to school, the leaves are turning color, and the air is getting crisp! This means the fall season is almost upon us if you live in the north. It also means different seasonal and fresh ingredients are available in all areas. What does your family look forward to doing in the fall? How do you embrace the season and encourage movement with your kids? Do you have fall recipes that use seasonal ingredients? Tell us how fall motivates you in different ways!
For a little inspiration on this topic, check out our free lesson titled Happy, Healthy, Active Children found in the Keeping Your Family Healthy category.
To submit your post, simply write an email to and attach a Word Document or a link to a Google doc. Be sure to also include a short bio (about 3 sentences is fine) and a picture of yourself, if you would like to share one. In addition, we encourage you to send topic-related images of your kids in action - these add such a great personal touch to your post!
What we are looking for: Short Videos - Cooking
We are looking for short videos (1 minute or less) from WIC participants on the following topic:
How do you use your WIC benefits?
You know how it goes, suddenly you look into your pantry and see 3 jars of peanut butter or multiplying boxes of cereal! You aren't going to let one bit of your benefits go to waste! So, what do you do with the excess? What recipes are you making? How do you make good use of all the WIC ingredients without wasting any? Maybe you have three ways you use peanut butter or recipes that use a lot of milk? In a short video format, show us how you make the best use of your WIC food ingredients. We would love to see your ideas and share them with other families who are looking for ways to use their benefits fully. Your video might make an appearance in an upcoming lesson!
Less than a minute long
Provide written recipe (quantity of ingredients and directions)
Include a written bio of yourself (3 sentences or so)
Record the video with a horizontal screen shot shown below

Do you need some inspiration? Check out one of our most popular recipes with a video short, Banana Oat Yogurt Smoothie or look up short cooking videos online.
Thank you for considering becoming a guest blogger! We will reach out via email if your post has been selected for publication. And, if you have other ideas for posts that are not about the topics above, you can also email those to
Please Note: This opportunity is volunteer-based. We are unable to compensate contributors at this time.