by Verna from Kansas

Keeping active in the colder months has been a challenge in the past. The kids would love to go outside in the snow or in the sunshine without even realizing it's too cold to go out.
This year we have came up with a great idea for our “Inside Winter Carnival.” I used simple household products to turn our living room into a little mini carnival with three wholesome games and you get fun prizes at the end.
Our first game was “Three Sock Toss” and you only need three household items of your choice. I chose socks but you can use teddy bears, little soft toy balls, or anything you would like. I got a laundry basket or you can use an empty container of your choice and the first person to get three in a row wins a prize.
Our second game was the floating challenge, each person gets to choose a toy and the one whose toy floats the longest is the winner.
Our third game was find the color, each person had to think of a fruit or vegetable and we had to find an object to match the color.
Of course each game came with a time limit and prizes. Some of our prizes were yummy fresh fruits such as oranges, blueberries, and strawberries.
This blog was written by one of our guest bloggers, Verna.

About Verna
I am a 37 year old mom of three, my oldest son is 6 years old, my daughter is 2 years old and my youngest son is 6 months. I am a stay-at-home mom who loves to Educate, Motivate and Love my family to a greater and a better lifestyle.
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