by LyRee

My son is not a very picky eater. He likes some food groups more than he likes others. The way we keep things balanced and develop healthy eating habits is by always offering something new. He is not a big fan of fruit. I noticed this and instead of doing away with fruit, I offered him a variety. I explained to him fruit is just as important as the other food groups. It gives our body vitamins that it needs to grow big and strong.
He was willing to try different fruits. Although he still is not a big fan, he can tolerate a few fruits to maintain a healthy diet. Also, he likes vegetables a lot, so tomatoes and avocados are fruits parading as vegetables that he loves and I say this is a win, win.
Also, I have found making mealtime fun is a great way to encourage healthy habits. I say get creative in the kitchen. Who doesn't love ants on a log, or making a fruity face with pancakes? A big way to encourage new foods and healthy choices is to allow children to become part of the process. My son and I enjoyed shopping at a farmer's market with the extra benefits from WIC. He loved the experience and could not wait to taste what we had purchased.
Another way to make sure my children are developing healthy eating habits is by modeling the behavior myself. Periodically, I make an effort to cut back on my sugary snacks. I have a huge sweet tooth so this is something I have to be aware of. I have found that children are always watching and modeling parent behavior. Making a well-balanced diet is a team effort and shows your children that everyone is on board. I find that a way to keep an eye on what is being consumed is by everyone coming together at the dinner table. This is a way to keep track of developing healthy eating habits and a great way to check in to make sure everyone is thriving in all aspects during this worldwide pandemic.
About LyRee

I am a mother of two children that have utilized WIC. I have appreciated the online classes to help with the developmental stages of my children.
Life has changed with this year-long pandemic. I am currently a stay-at-home mom and making lemonade out of lemons.
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Want more ways to create healthy eating habits for your family? has a free online lesson called Help Your Child Develop Healthy Eating Habits. Find it on the Children Ages 1-5 category!