by Gwen from Hawaii

Starting a garden (even a small one) has many healthy benefits.
Though your WIC benefits do not cover the cost of store bought herbs, these tips will help you stretch your budget. You can start with one plant and grow several more with the one cutting!
Propagating Herbs: How do I start roots with my store bought herbs?

1. Pick out some fresh herbs
2. Remove all leaves except at the tippy top and cut at a leaf node (where the leaves join the stem).
3. Place in water and put in a sunny area for 2-3 weeks. Change water every 2-3 days.
4. Once you see a good growth of roots, plant in a container with soil and enjoy!
Reuse WIC Containers:
1. Cut juice containers or milk cartons in half.
2. Puncture a hole in the cap and sides of the container.
3. String together and fill with potting soil. Hang in a sunny area.
4. Plant seeds and water as needed.
Studies Show...
Eating fruits and veggies in childhood is a predictor of higher fruit and veggie consumption as an adult.
Gardening has positive benefits for social, emotional, and physical well being. It also helps to lower acute stress.
Children who garden learn to like healthy foods and improve their preference of healthy choices.

Common herbs that can be grown from cuttings:
Mint Basil
Thyme Rosemary
Oregano Lavender
Sage Parsley
Did you know...
You can purchase seeds with SNAP benefits! Grow your own leafy greens and create an herb garden to make your benefits go that extra mile for your family.

This blog was written by one of our guest bloggers, Gwen.
About Gwen. . .
My name is Gwen and I am from Hawaii. I have two amazing boys that love to eat. My husband and I started a little home garden in an attempt to get the kiddos to eat more veggies. It's definitely still a challenge, but being a part of the process of growing food definitely makes them more inquisitive to try :)
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Do you have any good gardening tips to share? Comment below!