by Brenna from Michigan

Breastmilk butter is not only nutritious but simple to make!
Follow these easy steps and share the wonderful benefits of breastmilk with the whole family!
Breast milk, 1 – 2 ounces or more (depending on how much butter you want!)
Pour your breast milk into a clean glass jar and be sure to tightly secure the lid.
Shake as hard as possible for several minutes to “churn,” until breast milk thickens and becomes butter.
Add to toast, mashed potatoes, pasta, rice, oatmeal, cream of wheat, and much more!
As a mom of 2, life gets busy with school, work, and extra activities, and sometimes it’s hard to have family time. My 3 year old daughter loves helping in the kitchen and shaking the jar! Jumping around is so much fun, we shake the sillies out!
One of our fun recipes is adding our breastmilk butter to a tortilla and frying it in a pan with cinnamon! Delicious! Any time a recipe calls for butter, easily add in your homemade butter and you are all set! Healthy and no preservatives or additives! The benefits of breastmilk are endless!
*Notes from wichealth:
Be sure you are using surplus breastmilk and not milk your baby needs to drink. Store breastmilk butter in refrigerator and use within 4 days.
Another idea if you have surplus breastmilk is donating it! Find information at
About Brenna. . .
I am a mama to 2 sweet girls. I love the outdoors, being creative and baking. I am a WIC-Breastfeeding Peer Counselor and love helping moms.
In this week's guest post, Brenna shares a recipe. wichealth has lots of other great recipes that use your WIC-approved food ingredients. We encourage you to check out one of over 300 recipes in our Health eKitchen collection today. Just log on to, scroll to the Health eKitchen block, and browse to your heart's content!