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Hi! We're wichealth!

Well, actually we're the folks who work behind the scenes to create We're like family here.


And, it's our pleasure to introduce you to our "baby"


(Well, it’s not so much of a baby anymore!).


The idea for wichealth was actually conceived way back in 2001. So that makes our baby 20!  At that time, technology was exploding. Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter did not even exist and neither did the iPhone. Can you imagine?


With a background in public health the “godfather” of wichealth, Dr. Robert Bensley, noticed an opportunity to use technology to provide nutrition education. As a professor at Western Michigan University, he partnered with the Michigan Department of Community Health, and was born!


Some websites are born to become a place you shop and others are born for social connections, but was born to improve lives by providing nutrition education centered around the needs of the WIC client.


At that time, wichealth had two lessons

(and more than one stick figure).


Today, wichealth has more than 50 lessons

in English and Spanish, 1,200 resources

designed to guide parents and a recipe

finder to help families search for recipes

with WIC-approved foods.


Over the years, wichealth has changed, just a little!


We are passionate.

Passionate about creating a dynamic website.

Passionate about developing client-centered lessons.

Passionate about helping others.


We have partnered with 31 states and 15 tribal organizations allowing us to provide nutrition education to almost 500,000 WIC clients each year. Each year, we have more than 1 million lessons completed on


Our site has changed tremendously since 2001, but there is one thing that hasn’t changed:


Our continuous mission to provide the best client-centered and behavior-based online education for WIC clients.

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